Battle Flag



339 Veterans Parkway, Wichita, Kansas 67203

Battle Flag


                                    MISSION STATEMENT


Our goal is to restore the Confederate Battle Flag to it's rightful place in the Open Air Flag Museum in Veterans Memorial Park in Wichita, Kansas.  The city of Wichita saw fit to bow down and yield to political correctness and remove the Confederate Battle Flag that had flown in this Open Air Flag Museum for over forty years without one complaint. 
At the time this Confederate Battle Flag was taken down, it was being used as a symbol in teaching students, local visitors and visitors from around the world, the cost that was paid in human life during the War between the States (Civil War).
Next to the Confederate Battle Flag was the Union Battle Fag.  These two symbols were part of the teaching aids used to motivate students and others, to go find out for themselves why the southern states were forced to do what they thought was the right thing to do.      

Let it be known to all... that slavery, in any form, is wrong. 

Ever since time began, slavery has existed.
During the evolution of America and up until 1865, slavery in America was a way of life.  I repeat, SLAVERY WAS A WAY OF LIFE. 

Slavery existed both in the northern states as well as in the southern states.  That is a fact and like it or not, it is part of our American history. 

The War between the States or The Civil War, happened over 150 years ago.  There are those who want to try and erase what happened in American history so they won't be offended.  It is wrong to erase history and rob from generations to come the ability to study and learn from what did in fact happen in America over 150 years ago. 

If you are offended by a person or something, don't participate in it.  That is your right.  But don't force your opinion or feelings on others.

The American Flag is a symbol of America.  And as everyone should know and accept, that flag has been trampled upon, torn into pieces and burnt.  It has been carried by unscrupulous people, trouble makers and organizations like the Nazi Party, KKK and others.
Originally, the CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG was only used in combat from 1861 to 1865.  Four years. 

After the Civil War ended in 1865, the Confederate Battle Flag was carried proudly in parades by both White and Black Confederate soldiers and sailors.  Many of these Black and White southern American veterans proudly marched side by side and wore military medals earned in combat.

During certain times of the year, family members of both Black and White Confederate soldiers and sailors would place a CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG next to a headstone that told of that loved ones remains lying beneath the earth.

Then in the 1950's, we saw these unscrupulous organizations, like the KKK, Democrat Party and others, hijacking and misusing the CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG.  Over time and because no one stood up and protested the misuse of this flag, a wrong image has emerged and a wrongful association has been established.  Even today, there is no law that protects the use or misuse of the American Flag or the CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG.

The ONLY way we can reverse this wrong image and the misuse is to state the truth about the true use of the American flag and the CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG, so this next generation will be able to understand the hysteria that took place in America.  The hysteria that allowed others to impose their will over others and deny some the enjoyment to honor the memory of their loved ones who fought and died in combat.

I will say this again...  back 150+ years ago, slavery was a way of life.  Doesn't make it right, but folks it happened.  Some of the largest owners of black slaves were black themselves.  Slaves were cheap labor in an agricultural environment. 

Remember, back then not everyone could afford to own a slave, black or white, because they cost so much.  The farmers back then had no good way to work the land because they had no modern, mechanized farm equipment.  The only two forms of getting things done in the field was from animals and humans.

Slaves were brought to America in the 1600's because the Black tribal chiefs in Africa captured men, women and children from other tribes and sold them as a cash crop. 

Even the Catholic Church, Popes accepted black slaves as a token of friendship by other countries.   In 1866, The Holy Office of Pope Pius IX affirmed that, subject to conditions, it was not against divine law for a slave to be sold, bought or exchanged.

If you look at the CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG as a racist flag, then you need to stop and think about what has just been said.  The CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG was only used in combat from 1861 to 1865.  It is not a racist flag.  It is a military flag that others have hijacked and misused over time.  Some now see it as a flag that might offend them because they have been force fed, in conversation, liberal media and in television broadcast programs, the misuse of the CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG.    

The War Between the States has been over for 150+ years! 

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