Battle Flag



339 Veterans Parkway, Wichita, Kansas 67203

Battle Flag



                                                    LAWRENCE, KS

The Wichita Eagle - 1/29/2016

Lawrence student banned from displaying Confederate flag
A Kansas high school student who had been displaying a Confederate battle flag on the vehicle he drove to school has been told he can no longer show the flag on school property, according to school officials.

Rebuttal comments by Herb Duncan

Lawrence Journal World publication of January 28, 2016.
The headline reads - Free State High School student told Confederate flag not allowed at school.

“School staff see this issue as an educational opportunity for students and fully understand the school’s obligation to respect students’ free speech rights and protect students from racial discrimination and harassment, as the Confederate flag may be associated with racism, slavery and violence against African-Americans,” Doll said in an email.”

Let’s stop for a minute and think about what this educational institution, Free State High School in Lawrence, KS, has done.

I always thought that education was about learning. It would be interesting to give the administration and teachers at the Free State High School a test to see what they really know about the War Between the States.

I don’t mean we have to have a thousand word question test, but we need to determine
if the factual history is being taught to our young people when it comes to the War Between the States.

A history class should be taught using the truth, facts and both sides of the story, not emotion and political correctness.

What is FREE SPEECH – Displaying the Confederate Battle Flag is an exercise in symbolic free speech. It is protected by the First Amendment and the United States Supreme Court says – “To engage in symbolic speech”, Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989); United States v. Eichman, 496 U.S. 310 (1990).

Let’s be clear and honest about the topic of slavery. Slavery in the southern states did happen just like slavery happened in the northern states. We don’t have enough space to go into all the details about slavery in America from 1619 to 1865. Slavery was, is and should always be wrong. In the early America, slavery was a way of life. It’s a fact. You had better hurry and go check your history before it gets changed or erased
by those who would want to have only one side of history recorded for future generations.

What is wrong with displaying the Confederate Battle Flag that was used in battle 150 years ago? A flag that was designed to be used in combat. Not in race discrimination or harassment. This flag has been hijacked and misused by so many over the years.

How do you keep someone or an organization from misusing a flag? The Confederate Battle Flag of the Confederate Army and the Battle Flag of the Union Army, that was and is the American flag, over the years have both been hijacked and misused.

One observation I have is that I see everyone is getting so emotionally charged by the sight of the Confederate Battle Flag that over the years and without any defense, hate speech has been exercised to associate slavery to this flag. Well guess what folks, both flags were used in combat 150 years ago during The War Between the States.

Everyone looks at the American flag of today and sees only good. Because they have been indoctrinated and taught that the flag, among other things, represents good and freedom. Which in today’s world… it is true.

Question: what national flag flew over America from 1619 to 1865? You know, the years of slavery and servitude. I’m not an expert historian but the factual information I have found is that the Dutch delivered the first black slaves to America in 1619. If the Confederate Battle Flag was only used in combat from 1861 to 1865, what flag flew over slavery in America from 1619 to 1865?

Another question: if we demand that the Confederate Battle Flag be banned, which was only used in combat from 1861 to 1865, shouldn’t we also ban and force everyone to take down the American flag as well? That is, if we want to be fair and balanced, or do we just want to be liberal and be politically correct.

What does it mean to be politically correct?
“conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated.”

Another observation and viewpoint: To some, the Confederate Battle Flag is a symbol of hate and racism. I suggest that this could only happen because they have been taught that way by family members and in schools, plus twisted inflammatory support by the news media, who in some cases, want to create the news in order to make money via market share.

To others, the Confederate Battle Flag is a symbol to honor the Confederate veterans, Black, Indian, Chinese, Mexican, White and others who volunteered to join the fight to stop a far superior invading armed force. They were American veterans.

When I say American Veterans, I am referring to the law that congress passed.
Public Law 85-425 - [H. R. 358] 72 Stat. 133
"(e) For the purpose of this section, and section 433, the term 'veteran' includes a person who served in the military or naval forces of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War, and the term `active, military or naval service' includes active service in such forces."

I suggest that when we see these two flags flying independently or together, we should rise above the hate speech and learn from what happened in the struggle for freedom 150 years ago. This struggle would have happened sooner or later because we who are alive today know and understand that slavery is bad, wrong and all the words that can be used to describe it. But back then it was a way of life.

How is it the American people can forgive two countries and their people, Germany and Japan, that we had a war with and many Americans were enslaved and killed? Then we honor their military dead by attending to burials when one of these enemy combatants is found. Aren’t we a Christian nation of forgiveness? Why can’t we forgive the Confederate veteran? Why do we insist on keeping the wound open and never allowed to heal?

In Vietnam and other wars, the Confederate Battle Flag was displayed and flown proudly because it sent a message to the enemy that the American veterans will fight for freedom even if the odds are overwhelmingly against them -- just like the Confederate soldier and sailor did during the War Between the States.

When our veterans do the observance of the POW/MIA table ceremony, it also honors the memory of all American veterans that are still missing in action. That includes those who served in the Union Army and Confederate Army during the War Between the States.

How is it our country cannot get past what happened 150 years ago?

Why is it that in our politically correct society, we can’t allow a Black family who had an American veteran family member that served honorably in the Confederate Army or Navy, the freedom to go to a grave and place a Confederate Battle Flag next to a tombstone and remember their family history?

If we stand by and let our society erase our American history, we will cease to be a nation. Because we will have no history to pass on to the next generation.

These are the words at the Confederate Memorial in Arlington Cemetery.

  Not for fame or reward
  Not for place or for rank
  Not lured by ambition
  Or goaded by necessity
  But in simple
  Obedience to duty
  As they understood it
  These men suffered all
  Sacrificed all
  Dared all-and died

  By Randolph Harrison McKim





The War Between the States has been over for 150+ years! 

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