339 Veterans Parkway, Wichita, Kansas 67203






New Orleans votes to remove Confederate monuments…  December 17, 2015

Again, here is another example of the liberal Democrat Party wanting to erase history. 

When I say Democrat Party, look at who made the decision to remove prominent Confederate monuments in the City of New Orleans.

Here are the names of the City Council members – all Democrats (except one brave sole.).
Stacy Head – Democrat, Jason Rogers Williams – Democrat,  (Stacy Head VOTED NO!)
Susan G. Guidry – Democrat. LaToya Cantrell – Democrat,
Nadine M. Ramsey – Democrat, Jared C. Brossett – Democrat

James Austin Gray II – Democrat

I’ll make a prediction that if the liberals in education and politics, and most liberals are Democrats, have their way in, 10 years the “WAR BETWEEN THE STATES” never happened.

There was no Confederacy because all the memories will have been removed.
Monuments, flags and let’s not forget about the books in libraries.  That’s the next move.  The liberals must now go after the books in our libraries because these books of history will show the Confederate Flag, monuments and pictures of a Southern way of life.  And we can’t have that because our children might want to read about what the big fuss was all about when it comes to that small speed bump in history we called the “War Between the States”.  You know the war where more than 620,000 people, Black and White, lost their lives.

If there was no Confederacy then there must not have been a South.  If there was no South then there was no slavery.  If there was no slavery then the African Tribal Chiefs never sold their black brothers and sisters into slavery either.

But we, the folks that are alive today, know that is not the case.  The “War Between the States” happened 150 years ago and a lot of people just can’t let go for whatever reason.

And yes we all know history, before the liberals started to erase our history, says that slavery did happen in our America both in the South and in the North.  Oh my, did I say that slavery happened in the Northern states?  It’s all part of history.  That is where it all started.  Don’t take my word for it, go read for yourself and educate yourself.  Even U.S. Presidents owned slaves back then.  Knowledge is power.

If recorded slavery started in America around 1619 and the “War Between the States” only lasted four years, from 1861 to 1865, what national flag flew over slavery in this country from 1619 to the end of slavery in 1865?

If we remove all Confederate flags in existence today, like the Wichita City Park Board did in an Open Air Flag Museum in Wichita, Kansas November 9, 2015, what do you think we should do about removing from existence the national flag that did fly over slavery in our nation from 1619 to 1865?  It is said slavery in America, ended in 1865.

How can I possibly appreciate what the black families of today are going through when it comes to even saying the word slavery.  Because that word even leaves a foul taste in my mouth.  I say right here and now SLAVERY WAS AND WILL ALWAYS BE WRONG.  And all the bad things that go with it.

The Black families that have loved ones who served in the Confederate Army and Navy and the families that did not have veterans serving in the Confederacy, and others, have a right to believe the way they want to believe, and that’s OK.  But I think where the rub is that forcing the eradication of what actually happened is unspeakable.

Education is founded on learning from things of the past.  If we keep erasing our history, we will cease to be a nation.  If we erase our history, we will cease to be a people.

Why deny a Black American family, who had a loved one that fought as a Confederate soldier or sailor, the right to place a small Confederate Battle flag next to a tombstone in Arlington National Cemetery?

We fought a World War.  A war between Germany and Japan.  Bad things happened and American lives were torn away from their loved ones by the thousands.  Slavery was practiced by both Germany and Japan by enslaving humanity.

Why is it, we as a nation, can forgive the German and Japanese people of their atrocities against our people and yet we cannot forgive our fellow countryman for something that happened 150 years ago?

Mathew 6:14
14 - For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
15 - But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.




The purpose of this website is to focus on the CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG and nothing else.
A reason to restore the CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG to it's rightful place in
The topic of slavery, prejudice, bigotry or why the War Between The States happened, etc.
can be discussed at a later date.

Please contact Wichita City Mayor Jeff Longwell and request that he do the right thing and raise the
Confederate Battle Flag
to it's rightful place in VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK.

Mayor Longwell - (316) 268-4331 - JLongwell@wichita.gov


If you have questions or comments, please let me know:  battleflagwichita@gmail.com

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We invite everyone to visit VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK soon.
And take a young person with you so they can better understand the price of freedom.


I take full responsibility for my actions - Herb Duncan an American Veteran.
(I help keep VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK clean and presentable for visitors.)



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