339 Veterans Parkway, Wichita, Kansas 67203





The fight against child sex trafficking
In 2013, the Freedom Project went to Cambodia with Oscar-winning actress and UNODC Goodwill Ambassador against Human Trafficking Mira Sorvino. The result was "Every Day in Cambodia: A CNN Freedom Project Documentary" - which looked at child sex trafficking in the country.
Just this month, it was named "outstanding documentary" by the Alliance for Women in Media Foundation, winning a Gracie Allen award.
Sorvino says the film has raised awareness of the issue, helping to raise funds to build a school that, when completed, will offer hope for more than 1,000 children in the region.
“Primary and especially secondary education is extremely important in preventing trafficking,” she says. “It allows children to develop critical thinking skills to be able to defend themselves from traffickers and to have the skills that will enable them to have gainful employment to be able to support their families in other ways than being sexually exploited.”
But Sorvino adds that it’s not just about helping the victims. “The demand side really needs to be addressed,” she says. “If people weren’t trying to buy child sex it wouldn’t be being sold.”


ISIS says Islam justifies slavery - what does Islamic law say?
Professor Bernard Freamon teaches courses on modern-day slavery and human trafficking at Seton Hall University School of Law in New Jersey and also specializes in Islamic Legal History. He is currently writing a book, “Islam, Slavery and Empire in the Indian Ocean World.” The views in this article are his alone.
By Professor Bernard Freamon
In the past few months, the world has witnessed horrific accounts of the enslavement of thousands of innocent Yazidis and other religious minorities by ISIS partisans in Iraq and Syria.
In a recent article in its online English-language magazine, ISIS ideologues offered legal justifications for the enslavement of these non-Muslim non-combatants, stating that “enslaving the families of the kuffar [infidels] and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shariah or Islamic law.”
The article argues, based on a variety of Shariah sources, that ISIS partisans have a religious duty to kill or enslave members of the Yazidi community as part of their struggle [jihad] against their enemies.
This argument is plainly wrong, hypocritical and astonishingly ahistorical, relying on male fantasies inspired by stories from the days of imperial Islam.
It is also an affront to right-thinking Muslims everywhere and a criminal perversion of Islamic law, particularly its primary source, the Glorious Quran.



The purpose of this website is to focus on the CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG and nothing else.
A reason to restore the CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG to it's rightful place in
The topic of slavery, prejudice, bigotry or why the War Between The States happened, etc.
can be discussed at a later date.

Please contact Wichita City Mayor Jeff Longwell and request that he do the right thing and raise the
Confederate Battle Flag
to it's rightful place in VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK.

Mayor Longwell - (316) 268-4331 - JLongwell@wichita.gov


If you have questions or comments, please let me know:  battleflagwichita@gmail.com

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We invite everyone to visit VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK soon.
And take a young person with you so they can better understand the price of freedom.


I take full responsibility for my actions - Herb Duncan an American Veteran.
(I help keep VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK clean and presentable for visitors.)



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