339 Veterans Parkway, Wichita, Kansas 67203




KWCH-Confederate flag waves in Veterans' Memorial Park - Some want it taken down permanently


With the battle over whether to retire the Confederate flag in South Carolina getting national attention, would you be surprised to learn the City of Wichita flies the flag as well?

There is one being flown in a Wichita city park. It's part of a war memorial downtown. Some Wichitans want the Confederate flag lowered permanently.

It's part of a memorial that's described as a look at the development of the Stars and Stripes over the years. The flags, according to the description, have all flown over the U.S. during wars and are meant to provide historical background.

"They view it as something as cultural, a heritage. We view it as the same thing, a heritage of separation, a heritage of separate but equal," said Reuben Eckels with Sunflower Community Action. "When African Americans view the Confederate flag we are reminded of slavery, we are reminded of women being raped, babies being lynched and burned."

Which is why, in the wake of the Charleston shootings, Eckels and Sunflower Community Action say it's time for this flag to be lowered in Wichita, permanently.

Hidden among a dozen other U.S. flags, all red, white and blue with stars and stripes, it's not immediately noticeable, until you look for it. But Eckels says African Americans have known this flag was flying in Wichita for years.

"I think a lot of people would be surprised," said Eckels. "But we understand that racism is not just in the South."

Eckels says they haven't spoken directly with those who run Veterans Memorial Park, yet. But they plan to.

We checked with the city and leaders tell us they know this is a sensitive issue and they're looking into possible changes. But, a lot of people are involved in running the park.

"City officials have begun reaching out to these stakeholders to determine whether changes should be considered, including additional interpretation," the city said in a written statement.

So we wondered, do you think the Confederate flag should be retired here in Wichita, or not? Most we spoke to said no.

"I think there's actual historical purpose behind it. It's not just one flag," said Katie Cloption. "So no, I don't think they should be able to take it down."

"I think it should be taken down if its over the state capital. But I think if it's part of a historical display, like over the statues, you're probably ok leaving it there," said Ryan Wallace.

"It stands for a lot of not good things. So I don't know, you know?" said Jan Everhart. "I never even thought about that."

"I would never put it up," said Dorothy Clopton. "But I think it's just a slippery slope. We live in a land where our freedom for expression and speech is extremely important."

"No, I don't think it should come down," said Dominique Walker. "Because all parts of history need to be preserved and told to our kids."

No one we spoke with in our informal poll said they thought this flag should come down now because they see this display as more of a historical museum.
Veterans Memorial Park is officially a city park and city leaders will have the final say.

"Kansas is a free state. We started out as a free state and we need to make sure that that is the symbol that we fly," said Eckels. "And not the Confederate flag."
The Confederate flag has flown in Wichita as part of the Bicentennial Flag Pavilion Memorial since 1976. The memorial also flies the Union flag from the Civil War Era.



The purpose of this website is to focus on the CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG and nothing else.
A reason to restore the CONFEDERATE BATTLE FLAG to it's rightful place in
The topic of slavery, prejudice, bigotry or why the War Between The States happened, etc.
can be discussed at a later date.

Please contact Wichita City Mayor Jeff Longwell and request that he do the right thing and raise the
Confederate Battle Flag
to it's rightful place in VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK.

Mayor Longwell - (316) 268-4331 - JLongwell@wichita.gov


If you have questions or comments, please let me know:  battleflagwichita@gmail.com

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We invite everyone to visit VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK soon.
And take a young person with you so they can better understand the price of freedom.


I take full responsibility for my actions - Herb Duncan an American Veteran.
(I help keep VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK clean and presentable for visitors.)



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